Naturopathics & Acupuncture
Office of Dr. Mi-Jung Lee, ND/LAc

Naturopathic Specialties
acne, acid reflex, allergy, arthritis, autoimmune, back pain, bipolar, cancer related pain and cancer adjuctive therapy, depression, diabetes, eczema, fatigue, fertility, focue, foot pain, gas, headache/migraine, heavy metal toxicity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, IBS, IBD, joint pain, kidney disease, libido, memory loss, numbness and tingling, osteoporosis, psoriasis, rosasea, SIBO, sleep problem, thyroid, testosterone, UTI, viral infections, weight management, women's health
Acupuncture & Herbs
Musculoskeletal Conditions: pain in the bones and joints, ligaments, tendon and muscles, headaches, migraines, neck pain, back pain, jaw pain, myalgia
Adjunct Cancer Care
Adjunct Care for Mental Health Conditions
Allergies, GI issues, Dry Eyes, Asthma
Perimenopause, Menopause
Pregnancy support: fertility, morning sickness, labor induction
Primary Care
adult wellness preventive visit
prescriptions : legend drungs and controlled substance, i.e. testosterone and codeine products only
IV infusion
IV infusion for Coronary Heart Diseases
Custom-built IV
Heavy metal Chelation
Anti-aging Medicine
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement (BHRT)
Testosterone Replacement
Peptides Therapeutics
Asian Adaptogenic Herbal Formulas
Functional Medical Testing
Comprehensive Hormone test : evaulating hormone replacement via blood and urine
Food Allergy Test : looking beyond IgE skin test
GI-MAP : insighting for Intestinal bugs and permeability
Heavy Metal Test : accessing environemental risks
HART Test : predicting 1 year risk of having another MI, stroke or cardiac death
Genomic-Functional Medicine
Epigenetic Testing and Therapeutics
Breast Cancer genetics
it is best for you to call your insurance.
Many insurance plans offer different benefits and coverage for services. <click to read the blog about what to ask your insurance>
<Provider in-network would not guarantee coverage and patient is responsible for charges incurred for services not covered by insurance>
• Aetna
• Ambetter Coordinated Care (Plans that start with U9 Subscriber ID# only)
• Blue Cross Blue Shield
• Coordinated Care (No Apple Health or Community Plans)
• Community Health Care of WA (No Apple Health or Community Plans)
• First Choice Health
• Lifewise
• Meritain Health (independent subsidiary of Aetna)
• Molina (No Apple Health or Community Plans)
• Premera (not Premera Medicare Advantage)
• Regence (not MediGap plans - they do not cover Naturopathic services)
• Triwest
• United healthcare (No Apple Health or Community Plans)
Auto Insurance Injury claims / Personal Injury Protection.
Time of Service Fees / Self-Pay Rates
For those without insurance or with insurance that does not cover Dr. Lee’s services, we offer an out-of-pocket discount for payment at the time of service.
The rates are as follows; (5-minute increment)
• 15 minutes: $ 69
• 30 minutes: $138
• 45 minutes: $208
• 60 minutes: $286
• 75 minutes: $345
We cannot bill and thus do not accept the following:
• Medicare
• Some Supplemental Medicare plans cover services offered at our clinic.
• Medicaid/Apple Health or Community Plans