Naturopathics & Acupuncture
Office of Dr. Mi-Jung Lee, ND/LAc
Welcome from Dr. Mi-Jung Lee
naturopathic physician and acupuncturist
It is my belief that healing and optimal health naturally stem from the simultaneous balance of body, mind and environment. With that belief, I am committed to finding the best healing options for each patient. Working as a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist has provided me with skills and tools that are integrated, effective, scientific and holistic. Yet, I find my most gratification when my patients come to be no longer in need of them. For whom I have had the privilege to care for past twenty years in medicine, I thank you, my patients, teachers, friends and family. You are my motivation.
Location & Hours
Nature Logic
Naturopathics & Acupuncture
Phone 425-298-3801
Fax 206-880-7158
Location 250 Market St. Kirkland, WA 98033
Hours Monday - Friday 8 am to 6 pm